Friday, February 19, 2010

Where Do I Find The Dumb Waiter In Fall Of Liberty Can People Help Me Get These Jokes?

Can people help me get these jokes? - where do i find the dumb waiter in fall of liberty

Maybe I'm stupid or what the blonde, but please help me these jokes!

Number1 ..... A man who was visiting Spain and walked through a restaurant in Madrid after a bullfight. They were advertising that they have lost the bullets used in the bull, the bull. Intrigued, the man entered the house, only to discover that when he six weeks waiting list to eat the balls loser. He came back six weeks later. When the food arrived, there were two teeny, teeny balls on the plate. He called the waiter to complain.

"I waited six weeks for bull balls. What are they?"

"Sir," said the boy, "the bull is not always lost."

Number 2 ....

This man walks into a supermarket andon the island 12 and ask for a box of condoms.

The lady asks, "How big" and said the guy: "unknown," the lady asked to drop his trousers.

The lady moved a few times and said that "it takes a box of condoms, X-large sizes.

So this guy hears behind him and asks for a box of condoms, and the lady said: "What is the size and nature told me not to know.

So the lady asks him to drop his trousers.

The woman pulls a few and say "get a box of condoms means"

Teen Sun, 11-island hears and wants action.

Then he goes to the island 12 and asks: "Can I have a box of condoms"

The lady asks, "What size" and the teenager says, & quoNo, I do not know "

So the lady asks him to drop his trousers.

When this happens, the woman threw a couple of times, stands up and says' clean island 12


Islam, the way of life. said...


T1> The bull won the game, the balls as a bullfighter hehehe: p, cuz he killed the bull.

Q2> the other guys do *** (semen ejaculatiate), but he has said, cleaning Iceland *** 12!

ukcufs said...

Second !!!!!!! Ahahahaha great fun

First came the bullets Toreros.

And the second joke - 2 words:

Premature Ejaculation

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